Prime Examples of 4th Step Resentment
Resentment is a common emotion experienced by individuals undergoing the 12-step program, particularly during the 4th step, which involves making ...
What are the 9th Step Promises of AA? (Sober Speak)
These things don’t happen simply because I stopped drinking. They need work – painstaking work. For me, this is key, and it doesn’t simply apply to the ninth step, but to all twelve steps. I needed and still need to put in work for the promises to materialize. But what promises these ninth step promises are! Let’s break them down.
Step 8 of AA (Alcoholics Anonymous): Making A List
The 8th step of AA is a precursor to the step most of us feared more than any other. The post examines the value of this step and looks at how we can make this list of the people we had hurt and how to decide on who makes which people make that list.
Step Twelve (12) of AA Worksheet
The twelfth step of Alcoholics Anonymous is based on carrying the message to other suffering alcoholics after experiencing a spiritual awakening. Step 12 can only be accomplished once we have worked steps 1 - 11 with a sponsor or recovering group of alcoholics.
Step 3 of Alcoholics Anonymous Worksheet – Made A Decision
When we arrive at Step 3, we've admitted we are powerless over alcohol, and we have acknowledged that a Higher Power we defined would be able to take care of our addiction. Now, it's time to let that Higher Power take over. Step three is simple if we have fully worked on steps one and two. We make a decision to turn our will and lives over to the Higher Power we acknowledged in step two.
AA Step 4 Worksheet Inventory Guide (PDF & Excel Sheet)
Learn how to complete a comprehensive moral inventory in the fourth step of the 12-step program. Find freedom and personal growth through rigorous honesty and self-reflection.
Step 2 of Alcoholics Anonymous – Coming to Believe
Though there is no official subject header for Step 2 in the book, Chapter Four, “We Agnostics,” has been considered the Step Two chapter because it precedes the list of the twelve steps at the opening of Chapter Five.
Examples of AA Fourth Step Moral Inventory (Guide)
Some people fear the action of the fourth step inventory. Even though this is referred to as a fearless moral inventory, it can be scary. In many people's experience, the fourth step brings peace and calmness when complete.
Step 10 Personal Inventory Worksheet and Step 11 Daily Prayer List (adapted from the Big Book)
As outlined in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, the personal inventory we continue to take in Step 10 and the conscious contact with a higher power of our understanding we seek to improve in Step 11 go hand in hand.
5th Step Guide to the Alcoholics Anonymous Program
The fifth step in the 12-step program of Alcoholics Anonymous is a vital and humbling experience, where individuals engage in a fearless moral inventory, disclosing their exact nature of wrongs to another human being.
How To Take Someone Through The Steps
In most cases we sponsor just like we were sponsored. Why? Because it worked for us! We who have taken the steps know that we don’t recover from alcoholism until we have taken the steps. As a result of taking the steps, we are restored to sanity and the problem has been removed.
Step 11 AA Worksheet
The 11th step is intended to ensure that the gift of freedom from substance abuse remains with us. Here we present a worksheet to help us with this step.
AA Step 10 and 11 Questions (Personal Inventory Guide)
Working steps 10 & 11? These probing questions will help with this step inventory and help to work these steps at a deeper level.
Step 1 Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Worksheet and Guide
This first step worksheet is a series of questions to be reflected on to help you decide whether it is time to start a new life and change to a life of sobriety.
Step 7 AA Worksheet (Humbly Asked Him to Remove Our Shortcomings)
Step 7: This is the point in the program where we humble ourselves and ask our Higher Power as we see our Higher Power to be to remove all our defects of character.
AA Recovery Step Worksheets (Printable PDF Inventory Guide)
We provide several worksheets to help people on the path to sobriety and the spiritual awakening necessary to continue to stay sober. These can be a great resource as we move through this recovery program.
Step 6 AA Character Defects Worksheet
This is not a difficult step and may be considered as a step of willingness, indicating preparedness for the next step and readiness to let go of the character defects.
Step 2 AA Worksheet
What would it mean to you to be restored to sanity? Wow. This is a huge question. It defines how we envisage our future. It defines the better life that we will strive for.
Step 10 AA Worksheet (Alcoholics Anonymous)
The worksheet is designed to help the user perform a fearless moral inventory as part of their daily practices. It is essentially a checklist of negative thoughts that you might have had during the day and why.
Step 9 Amends Worksheet: AA (Alcoholics Anonymous)
Coming into the 9th step, there should be a comprehensive list of all persons we hurt in any way, and we should be willing to resolve any issues that have been noted in that list.
The 3rd Step Prayer of AA (Alcoholics Anonymous)
The third step of Alcoholics Anonymous requires each person wanting to make “a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.” (W, Bill, 2002, p. 59)
Step 6 of AA: Understanding Defects of Character
We are now at the halfway point though of this 12-step program and ready to cast ourselves further into the care of God as we started preparing to back in Step Three. Each alcoholics anonymous step is designed to gradually guide us along the path to spiritual awakening and is intended to help ensure long-term recovery.
Step Prayers of AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) for Recovery
The A.A. twelve steps are a spiritual program, and it is not surprising that it should involve prayer. Most of the prayers are not in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous but are rooted in the ideas and the words of the book. This article looks at the role of prayers along the path to sobriety and spiritual progress.
11th Step Prayer and Meditation in AA (Alcoholics Anonymous)
The 11th step is about placing the God of our understanding at the forefront of our lives. It is the full blooming of our spiritual awakening.
Step 7 of AA: What is it and How Does The Prayer Work?
The first six steps of the twelve-step program of recovery form a unit. They deal with what we were like. The second six steps form a second unit that covers how to live with sobriety in our daily lives.
Step One of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) – Powerless Over Alcohol
The moment when people step forward and step up and begin to claim back their lives from their addictive behavior. Step one of the twelve-step program that leads us to start to fight against alcohol addiction. It reads:
Step Four Prayer of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). What is it and How Does it Work?
The 4th Step often feels like the first big step, but it isn’t. The first big step is the first step and everything else follows that first admission. This fourth step reads:
Step 4: Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
10th (Tenth) Step Prayer and Promises of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
We’re at the beginning of the final three steps of the twelve-step program and this step says
Step 10: Continued to take personal inventory, and when we were wrong, promptly admitted it.
What is the Fifth Step Prayer? – A Guide to Step 5 of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
Fifth Step Prayer
Higher Power,
My inventory has shown me who I am,
Yet I ask for Your help
In admitting my wrongs to another person and to You
Assure me, & be with me, in this Step,
For without this step I cannot progress in my recovery
With Your help, I can do this.
AA Step 1 Discussion from the 12X12 (Twelve and Twelve)
This post looks at the first step of the Alcoholics Anonymous 12-step program as reflected in the book Twelve and Twelve. The primary source for the post then will not be the Big Book. The Twelve and Twelve expands on each step more than our main book does. This post will reflect on the themes the book covers for this step.