How Long Does It Take to Recover From Porn Addiction? The Role of Accountability in the Journey
How to recovery from porn addiction and the role of accountability in the journey. Four stages: Coping with withdrawals, Building new habits, reaching new goals, and maintaining long-term recovery
Is There a Link Between Addiction and Divorce?
Is there is a link between addiction and divorce? Divorce is a challenging and emotional process that affects many families across the globe. When addiction plays a role in the breakdown of a relationship, it adds another layer of complexity.
How Long Does It Take To Recover From Porn Addiction?
Porn addiction, a form of behavioral addiction, is a growing concern in today's digital age. The growing availability of pornographic material, the rise in mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety, and strained relationships have contributed to the increase in porn addiction worldwide.
Novena Prayers to the Patron Saint of Addiction
Who Is The Patron Saint Of Addiction? St. Maximilian Kolbe is the patron saint of addiction and political prisoners. He has also been canonized as The martyr of charity. Devotees often pray to seek his intercession in addiction recovery.
How to See the Signs of Teen Porn Addiction
Unlike substance addiction, where you can see physical signs, porn addiction in teens is more hidden, causing it to often go unnoticed.
What is Bulimia Face? (Swollen face and cheeks)
Bulimia face refers to the physical changes in the face due to frequent vomiting and purging. This is also called the chipmunk face, chipmunk cheeks, or bulimia cheeks.
Symptoms Of Oxycontin Addiction
Oxycodone addiction affects 1.9 million people in the United States according to The American Society of Addiction Medicine. This addiction usually precedes a prescription of oxycodone-containing painkillers for chronic pain.
Can You Overcome Addiction Through God?
Overcoming addiction through God sounds like a feat too big, even for our Higher Power. Yet, the good news is that the Bible shows us that God is powerful and can help us overcome addiction. The Holy Spirit weaves its way through daily life, and God's love is unconditional.
Does Fasting Help To Overcome Food Addiction?
Food addiction affects millions of people around the world. Our society is full of trigger foods and addictive substances, making eating healthy extremely challenging.
Tips on Writing Your Own Addiction Recovery Story
As an addict who has achieved sobriety, you may be interested in sharing your addiction recovery story with others who have substance abuse problems. You have the unique opportunity to inspire and encourage those struggling with substance abuse. And you can do this by sharing your story.
Understanding the Underlying Root Causes of Addiction
Root causes of addiction include psychological and emotional trauma, genetic factors, and environmental influences.
Packing List For Inpatient Treatment (What to Bring)
Deciding to enter recovery is a brave step towards a happier, healthier life free of substance use disorder. At these facilities, there are mental health professionals who can give you the highest quality of care within a safe environment and are ready to help you enter the world of recovery. You can now put your drug use and/or alcohol use behind you.
Xanax Addiction: Can you get addicted to .25 Xanax?
Today, we are going to explore if a .25 dose of Xanax is addictive. To answer this question, we will take a look at Xanax: why it is prescribed, the symptoms of Xanax addiction, how Xanax addiction is treated, and wrap up with, can I overdose on Xanax?
The Symptoms and Stages of Cocaine Addiction
Cocaine abuse does not just happen in an instant. Cocaine users develop a chronic disease over time after using this addictive drug over and over again.
What Do Cross Addiction and Cross Dependence Mean?
Substituting one addiction for another is known as cross addiction, cross dependence or addiction interaction discorder. It occurs when the substitute has more or less the same properties as the replaced addiction—a common example is unhealthy eating patterns that emerge when giving up alcohol.
Stages of Sexual Addiction: Breaking The Cycle
In this article, we will discuss the stages of sex addiction and learn how to break the continuous cycle of sexual addiction.
Binge Eating Disorder Recovery Plan
Binge Eating Disorder (BED) significantly impacts an individual's physical and mental health. Recovery from BED demands a well-structured plan and consistency.
Suboxone vs Subutex Use During Pregnancy (Opioid Treatment)
Subutex, or buprenorphine treatment, works by binding to opioid receptors in the brain, similar to other opioids. However, its unique property as a partial agonist means it produces a milder opioid effect, reducing the risk of opioid dependence. By stimulating some receptors and blocking others, Subutex helps alleviate cravings and withdrawal symptoms, allowing individuals to focus on their recovery.
Symptoms of PMO Addiction (Porn Masturbation Orgasm)
PMO refers to porn, masturbation, and orgasm. In the digital age with easy access, porn addiction, also known as PMO addiction, is emerging as a major problem. This problem appears to be affecting a significant number of individuals worldwide.
Love Addiction vs Love Avoidance (Relationship Addiction)
Love is in the air! Maybe not literally, but it is all around us. In the novels we read, the movies we watch, our favorite tv shows, and even the local newspaper with marriage announcement photos and “love is love” posters.
Can You Be Addicted to Emotional Pain?
Drug addiction is something concrete and physical. We have evidence of our substance abuse in the physical act of taking a drink, snorting a line, shooting up, or inhaling a substance.
K2/Spice (Synthetic Marijuana) Addiction- Signs
K2 is a synthetic cannabinoid product consisting of a certain kind of plant material sprayed with a type of synthetic cannabinoid, which happens to be very similar to THC
What Are The Stages of Addiction? (Recovery and Treatment)
A substance abuse disorder does not just happen in an instant. It is a chronic disease that develops over time and is not the first time someone uses addictive substances. There are various models of the different stages of drug addiction and alcohol abuse.
In recovery, what is a sponsor for addiction?
A sponsor is a guide, a mentor, and a friend. In those moments in recovery where you want that shot of bourbon or to snort a line if you and your sponsor have exchanged phone numbers, reach out to your sponsor. Better a phone call than a relapse.