Inspirational Eating Disorder Quotes for Recovery
Here are some eating disorder recovery quotes for those suffering from eating disorders. These are healthy eating quotes that can give you an unexpected laugh and help you with your recovery process.
Empowering Body Dysmorphia and Body Image Quotes
Struggling with your body image is something everyone goes through at some point in their lives. According to research published by the National Institute Of Health, about 20-40% of women struggle with some form of dissatisfaction with their bodies. At the same time, 10-30% of men report to have similar struggles.
62 Short Inspiring Drug Addiction and Recovery Quotes
In moments of stress, a quote can help focus a person’s thoughts. The right words at the right time are often a good thing.
120 Friday Good Morning Inspirational Quotes and Wishes
Welcome to the morning before Friday night! What better time for inspirational quotes, motivational quotes and happy Friday quotes to celebrate the end of the week. Think of it as a way of ending the workweek by offering encouragement for what has passed and what is to come.
84 Life Journey Inspirational Quotes and Sayings
Life is as they say a journey and we should aim to enjoy the ride. Quotes can be a motivation to take a journey or a guide to the journey. Life is an interior journey, and we choose the paths that we follow.
1 Year Sober Quotes (with images)
We have reached the end of our first year of sobriety. There are a huge number of inspirational quotes that reflect this achievement and what it means. Our sober journey has just started, and the best days are still ahead.
51 Inspiring Quotes for Recovering Alcoholics and Addicts (With Images)
To people who are in recovery from substance abuse, nothing is more inspiring than someone else in recovery, but inspirational quotes are also a great source of help. Here are some great addiction recovery quotes to keep us going in the right direction, each with a little observation after them just to provide some food for thought.
132 Wisdom Good Morning Wednesday Inspirational Quotes
Wednesday is hump day and a day to celebrate. It is the middle of the working week and downhill to Friday. That calls for some motivation and inspiration on a Wednesday morning to drive us through the first half of the day to get us to the hump minute.
48 Best One Year Sober and Addiction Recovery Quotes
What an amazing thing! We have reached the end of our first year of sobriety. There are a huge number of inspirational quotes that reflect this achievement and what it means. Our sober journey has just started, and the best days are still ahead.
61 Recovery Quotes about Self-love and Ways to Be Proud Of Your Sobriety (With Images)
Motivational quotes for those who are in recovery. Our quotes contain self-love and lessons on how to be proud of sobriety. Here are 61 inspirational quotes to help do that.