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Looking for treatment for substance abuse? We understand the importance of finding the right drug rehabilitation center. Visit Find a Rehab to learn more about our rehab ranking process.
Featured Articles
The Vicious Cycle: How Trauma Fuels the Cycle of Addiction
Discover how trauma fuels the cycle of addiction, unraveling the complex connection between past experiences and substance abuse in this in-depth blog post.
How to Organize a Drug Intervention for a Loved One
Drug interventions can help a loved one seek help. How to organize an intervention can seem overwhelming. Today we offer steps to organize a treatment intervention.
Best Drug and Alcohol Rehabs in Austin
Our Ranking Process At Sober Speak, we understand the importance of choosing the right drug rehabilitation center. Our ranking process …
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Sober Speak was created by John M. in 2017. The podcast has over 2.5 million downloads and is listened to by thousands each month.
The Sober Speak website contains articles on various topics related to recovery. We aim to give you hope during what may be a difficult time.