About John M.

John M.

John M has over 35 years of sobriety and experience with recovery and mental health wellness. With the grace of God and the help of an outstanding group of friends, he has been sober since May 29, 1989.

John realizes he’s been given a gift and is not more special than anyone else. He questions why God reached down and picked him up by the scruff of the neck and provided one-day-at-a-time sobriety up to this point, but only God knows.

Sober Speak Podcast

John has received many blessings in sobriety, including the Sober Speak podcast he was inspired to launch at the end of 2017. Along with the encouragement and help of his wife (The Lovely Mrs. M), he felt the pull to start the podcast and decided to pay attention to that intuition. The Sober Speak podcast now has over 2.5 million downloads, providing hope to many people across over 200 countries.

As with the podcast, the Sober Speak website is specifically geared toward AA, Al-Anon, other 12-step programs, mental health, and other exciting topics.

Near Death Experience

Have you ever known individuals who had an NDE (Near Death Experience)? John wrote a paper on the subject when he was in college.

Many people from those experiences have a renewed zest for life in a way they never imagined. Suddenly, they are interested in subjects that never interested them in the past, and they want to soak up as much information as possible regarding any subject.

Well, that is precisely what happened to John after getting sober and “having had a spiritual experience.”  Books about religion, self-improvement, and spirituality all caught his attention. It’s almost as if he felt he could store that information and take it into the “next life” with him. He also became very interested in personal finance, mental health, spiritual health, and emotional health, and he still is today.

Sobriety Journeys

John has seen thousands of people begin their sobriety journey and believes in a singleness of purpose within the rooms of recovery. However, he also knows he was personally seeking solutions outside the rooms of recovery at the time (and still does).


John realizes he is one voice among many, and he encourages you to take what you want and leave the rest of the “curb” for the trashman to pick up.

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