personal story

personal story

Richard Taite: Sobriety and Luxury Treatment Centers

In this podcast, Richard emphasized the importance of replacing drugs and alcohol with something more valuable. Richard shared his personal experiences with alcohol addiction and recovery, highlighting the importance of vulnerability, support, and addressing mental anguish. Richard also shared his personal journey towards understanding God and emphasizing the importance of faith in his life.
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Is Meditation Good for Alcoholics?

The word ‘meditation’ is mentioned 37 times in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous. It is also specifically called out in Step 11. However, many AA members struggle to embrace the concept of meditation.
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It’s 8 miles in the Woods, and it’s 8 Miles Out!

After all, it was never about me and my will in the first place. It was all about the relationship between me and God. It just took a lot of life to understand this simple truth!
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Principles of Alcoholics Anonymous

Over the years, I have read the references to the principles in the Big Book and heard the 12 Traditions read aloud at the beginning of meetings, but I was perplexed by not seeing a stated list of any 12 spiritual principles in the literature or on the walls of A.A. meeting rooms.
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The Center of Alcoholics Anonymous

From my earliest days in A.A., I have enjoyed listening to alcoholics tell their stories. Back in October of 1989, I attended a young people’s conference in Arkansas. I was less than a week sober and had been attending meetings around Fayetteville, Arkansas for three or four months. I listened to every story that weekend and was hooked from then on.
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Am I Powerless Over Alcohol?

In beginning this journey of sharing my thoughts on Sober Speak episodes, I went back through the shows, trying to recall which guest speakers resonated with me the most. I haven’t heard all the shows, nor all the speakers. But the dozens of speakers that I have heard were all amazing.
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Do Not Be Discouraged- Brenda J

We all, each of us alcoholics, reach a point where we need just one thing. HOPE. We need to know there is another way than the despair and isolation and fear of sitting with that drink.
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Get in the Car #Getinthecar Alcoholics Anonymous

As the saying goes, “identify, don’t compare.” I identified so much with Jenny L. and her early years about why she drank, “I don’t feel good enough, smart enough, pretty enough.” That was me and that is why I drank too.
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Comments on Bill C Podcast: Steps 1,2, and 3 of Alcoholics Anonymous

Bill C is one of those gems in Alcoholics Anonymous, the kind that isn’t afraid to tell it like it is. The longer sober I am, the more I love those gems. Most often they are at meetings, just a part of the meeting, and when outside of the AA meeting, in their personal life, they just quietly get on with life.
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