Is Acceptance the Big Answer
Acceptance is a topic that is frequently discussed in 12-step recovery meetings. Why? As humans, we can definitely say a common single defect of character is we want to control.
Acceptance Printable Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
The “Acceptance” passage quoted below originally appeared in the third edition of the Big Book under the story header “Doctor, Alcoholic Addict.” When reprinted in the 4th Edition of the Big Book, perhaps because of how often it was quoted, the whole story was re-titled “Acceptance is the Answer.”
The Full Version of the Serenity Prayer (Long Version)
The full version Serenity Prayer gives hope and calmness. Every member of Alcoholics Anonymous knows the short version Serenity Prayer. Many know it is part of a longer prayer, but few know the full version of the Serenity Prayer.