Tips For Finding And Making Sober Friends After Rehab
Overcoming addiction can be a difficult journey, with many challenges along the way. A solid support network makes this positive step in life a little easier. Now that you’ve made this change and are out of rehab, you’re probably wondering, “Where can I meet sober people?”
Sober Party Ideas to Celebrate Your 21st Birthday
As a sober person, how do you celebrate your 21st birthday while keeping your sobriety? Thankfully, a 21st bash does not need to be centered around alcohol.
Powerful Symbols & Tattoos to Celebrate Recovery
For many people who are or have been on the path to sobriety, tattoos serve as powerful representations of their successes. They serve as a reminder of a person’s commitment to a life free from addiction.
5th Step Guide to the Alcoholics Anonymous Program
The fifth step in the 12-step program of Alcoholics Anonymous is a vital and humbling experience, where individuals engage in a fearless moral inventory, disclosing their exact nature of wrongs to another human being.