Is There a Link Between Addiction and Divorce?
Is there is a link between addiction and divorce? Divorce is a challenging and emotional process that affects many families across the globe. When addiction plays a role in the breakdown of a relationship, it adds another layer of complexity.
Holiday Survival Guide: Tips to Stay Sober
Need a holiday survival guide to stay sober this holiday season?
Al-Anon Just For Tonight And Just For Today
Al-Anon Family Groups is a support group for relatives of alcoholics to share their experiences and find hope in a safe environment. Alcoholism is a family disease and Al-Anon helps families recover.
Leaving A Drug Addict Boyfriend
Living with a drug addict boyfriend can be daunting and emotionally draining. Especially when you have no experience dealing with substance use disorder and addictive behavior.
Love Addiction vs Love Avoidance (Relationship Addiction)
Love is in the air! Maybe not literally, but it is all around us. In the novels we read, the movies we watch, our favorite tv shows, and even the local newspaper with marriage announcement photos and “love is love” posters.
Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACOA & ACA) Laundry List Listener Story
I first entered a room of recovery in the 1980s through a door marked “Al-Anon Meeting” that was in a huge AA 24-hour club outside of Houston, Texas. I attended every week—as ordered by my sponsor—for months.
How To Enjoy Living a Sober Life
Sobriety can feel absolutely frightening. It can also be a challenge in those first days of recovery. In today's culture, it feels like not drinking means being alone and dull. I remember in early sobriety, and I thought all my fun was over! Being sober was lame. I was a bore now.
41 Top Sober Date Ideas for Couples
Want to get some great ideas for a sober date? Whether it is a first date, a second date, or a date night for a long-married couple here is a great list of alcohol-free date ideas.
What is a High Functioning Alcoholic? (Signs Treatment Warnings)
If you have ever heard of a functional alcoholic, then you might be left wondering what it means. We think of an alcoholic as someone who has totally lost control of their life. They’ve probably lost their job or family members. So, how can we have a term that calls an alcoholic functional? What an oxymoron, right?
24 Best Movies About Alcoholism
There is something cathartic about watching movies about drinkers. It speaks to us of our past and provides a window into how far we have come. What are the best films? Here is our list and a warning for spoiler alerts. We have included the Internet Movie Database (IMDB) rating for each film.
Inspiring And Powerful Quotes For Those Who Love Recovering Alcoholics And Addicts
If you are stuck in active addiction and have tried everything but a 12-step program, try it out for yourself. We do recover.
What are the 12 Steps of Al-anon Family Groups?
Al-Anon was created to support family members of alcoholics. One of the tragedies of alcoholism is that it is not only the alcoholic’s life that becomes unmanageable but the lives of the families of alcoholics as well.
How to Help An Alcoholic or Drug Addicted Spouse
For the spouse of the person with a drinking problem, the answer to the question of how to help their spouse is paradoxical and counterintuitive. The partner helps best by doing nothing at all until the one with the drinking habit is ready to move on from their alcohol dependence.