new sobriety

new sobriety

30 Day (1 Month) Sobriety Chip (Coins) in Alcoholics Anonymous

Though I had earned my 30-day chip, I did not want it. As a new member, I had faithfully attended Alcoholics Anonymous meetings at least twice a week, every week, that icy February 2016. I somberly listened as people shared the importance of their sobriety and how choosing to go to AA changed their lives in unique and positive ways. Whether someone had experienced an intensive outpatient program or found themselves walking through the doors of a local AA meeting one day, I was in awe of how big the light at the end of my tunnel was getting just by listening.
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30-Day Sobriety Chips in AA (Sobriety Milestones)

The 30-day chip can be one of the most powerful sober gifts to carry around in a newly recovering addict's pocket.
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