What Does the Bible Say About Addiction (Top Verses)
Ever wonder what the Bible says about drug addiction? The good news is that the Bible can be a resource for support groups, drug users, and treatment programs.
Al-Anon Just For Tonight And Just For Today
Al-Anon Family Groups is a support group for relatives of alcoholics to share their experiences and find hope in a safe environment. Alcoholism is a family disease and Al-Anon helps families recover.
Meditation Symbols: Spiritual Meaning For Your Yoga Routine
Meditation is the practice of quieting our minds and accessing our energy centers. There are many different paths to reaching a meditative state. To help get us to that quiet place, some use everyday items like stones, images, and symbols.
Best Books On Meditation And Mindfulness
Want to learn more about meditation and mindfulness in recovery? We have books on the subjects for you to explore.