Alcoholics Anonymous Controversial Discussion Meeting Topics
This article will discuss controversial issues we do not discuss in AA meetings. However, you can discuss these topics with your recovery friends and sponsors outside AA meetings.
35 Top Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Discussion Meeting Topics
Leading an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting? Wonder what topic to discuss? Whether you are leading your first meeting or your 100th, here's a quick guide to the Sober Speak Meeting Topics we like.
How Long Are Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Meetings? FAQ’s and What to Expect
“How long does this thing last?” I hated the fact that I needed to be there and wanted to be away from the meeting as soon as possible.
How To Chair An Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Meeting and What to Expect
Are you about to chair an AA meeting and don’t know where to start? Perhaps this is your first time chairing a meeting, and you want to make sure it goes well?