I Used Alpha-Stim to Help with My Anxiety During Sobriety
"My 34th year of sobriety was the most stressful year I have experienced in a long time. There was a heavy weight on my chest that I couldn't kick no matter how much 12-step work I did, how much I counseled with others, and how much prayer and meditation I did," shares John, who wishes his last name to remain anonymous.
Al-Anon Just For Tonight And Just For Today
Al-Anon Family Groups is a support group for relatives of alcoholics to share their experiences and find hope in a safe environment. Alcoholism is a family disease and Al-Anon helps families recover.
Best Sober Vacation Ideas and Destinations (Alcohol-free)
Alcohol-free vacations can do wonders for your mental health. But how easy is it to stay sober when you are on vacation with your party mode on? It's easy, and you can achieve this goal by choosing a sober vacation destination.
Nar-Anon Quotes & Slogans for Family of Addicts
One such example is Nar-Anon meetings and the words resonating from Nar-Anon family groups. These words act like a faithful hand guiding individuals through these challenging times. These simple phrases, found within the Nar-Anon Blue Book, often provide inexpressible comfort to those seeking solace amidst the chaos of addiction's impact on their lives.
What is a High Functioning Alcoholic? (Signs Treatment Warnings)
If you have ever heard of a functional alcoholic, then you might be left wondering what it means. We think of an alcoholic as someone who has totally lost control of their life. They’ve probably lost their job or family members. So, how can we have a term that calls an alcoholic functional? What an oxymoron, right?
Inspiring And Powerful Quotes For Those Who Love Recovering Alcoholics And Addicts
If you are stuck in active addiction and have tried everything but a 12-step program, try it out for yourself. We do recover.
What are the 12 Steps of Al-anon Family Groups?
Al-Anon was created to support family members of alcoholics. One of the tragedies of alcoholism is that it is not only the alcoholic’s life that becomes unmanageable but the lives of the families of alcoholics as well.