People with PTSD: 11 Famous People
Want to know 11 famous people with PTSD? Did you know Lady Gaga, Ariana Grande and other big names have PTSD?
Somatic Exercise Therapy for Anxiety
Anxiety is defined by the American Psychological Association as feelings of stress, worried thoughts, and physical changes. This means there is an intricate dance of mental states and physical symptoms at play.
This is why anxiety finds a unique ally in somatic exercises. Whether it's the elevated heart rate, muscle tension, or shallow breathing associated with anxiety, these practices address the entire spectrum of mind and body responses.
I Used Alpha-Stim to Help with My Anxiety During Sobriety
"My 34th year of sobriety was the most stressful year I have experienced in a long time. There was a heavy weight on my chest that I couldn't kick no matter how much 12-step work I did, how much I counseled with others, and how much prayer and meditation I did," shares John, who wishes his last name to remain anonymous.
How Long Does Depression Last After Quitting Alcohol?
According to surveys and research, people who have dealt with and quit an addiction may suffer from unpleasant side effects of alcohol abuse later on. This includes mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression, social issues like financial loss or loss of friends/relatives, and health issues such as liver disease.
Clothing Fashion Brands with Mental Health Awareness
Fashion brands have evolved beyond mere apparel providers. They can now actively engage in raising awareness on essential social issues. Clothing is common to all genders and ages. So, if clothing brands take the initiative to talk about something, they are more likely to reach a wider audience.
Intracacies of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
OCD symptoms can vary widely among people, but there are a few commonalities you should be aware of; OCD typically involves specific patterns of obsessions and compulsions. You might be wondering, what exactly is an obsession and a compulsion?
Can You Be Addicted to Emotional Pain?
Drug addiction is something concrete and physical. We have evidence of our substance abuse in the physical act of taking a drink, snorting a line, shooting up, or inhaling a substance.