Holiday Survival Guide: Tips to Stay Sober
Need a holiday survival guide to stay sober this holiday season?
Step Twelve (12) of AA Worksheet
The twelfth step of Alcoholics Anonymous is based on carrying the message to other suffering alcoholics after experiencing a spiritual awakening. Step 12 can only be accomplished once we have worked steps 1 - 11 with a sponsor or recovering group of alcoholics.
About Alcoholics Anonymous (Purpose Meetings Steps)
AA is a fellowship of men and women whose primary purpose is to help individuals achieve and maintain sobriety. They conduct meetings where they share their personal experiences and success stories. The idea is to provide a healthy and supportive environment for alcoholics that is conducive to their recovery and gives them a sense of belonging.
How To Enjoy Living a Sober Life
Sobriety can feel absolutely frightening. It can also be a challenge in those first days of recovery. In today's culture, it feels like not drinking means being alone and dull. I remember in early sobriety, and I thought all my fun was over! Being sober was lame. I was a bore now.
35 Top Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Discussion Meeting Topics
Leading an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting? Wonder what topic to discuss? Whether you are leading your first meeting or your 100th, here's a quick guide to the Sober Speak Meeting Topics we like.
Step 2 of Alcoholics Anonymous – Coming to Believe
Though there is no official subject header for Step 2 in the book, Chapter Four, “We Agnostics,” has been considered the Step Two chapter because it precedes the list of the twelve steps at the opening of Chapter Five.
Sobriety Anniversary Wishes for Cards and Gifts
If you have a friend or family member celebrating a sobriety anniversary, you might not know what to say to them or if you should give them a gift. Do you know where they celebrate their sober birthday in their addiction recovery program?
5th Step Guide to the Alcoholics Anonymous Program
The fifth step in the 12-step program of Alcoholics Anonymous is a vital and humbling experience, where individuals engage in a fearless moral inventory, disclosing their exact nature of wrongs to another human being.
Recovery AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) Acronym List
Ever hear acronyms in an AA meeting and wonder what they mean? We have a list for you! Reference this AA acronym list anytime you need to find the meaning of what someone is talking about in a meeting.
How Long Are Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Meetings? FAQ’s and What to Expect
“How long does this thing last?” I hated the fact that I needed to be there and wanted to be away from the meeting as soon as possible.
How To Chair An Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Meeting and What to Expect
Are you about to chair an AA meeting and don’t know where to start? Perhaps this is your first time chairing a meeting, and you want to make sure it goes well?
What Happens At An AA Meeting?
AA meetings are typically located in community centers, an extended building of church, or other buildings across the world. There will be a room where the meeting is held, usually with chairs or couches for meeting participants to sit.